All Things Mental

Heartland Family Service

“The mission of Heartland Family Service is to strengthen individuals and families in our community through education, counseling, and support services. We have more than 15 locations throughout east central Nebraska and Southwest Iowa. Our programs provide critical human services to the families who ultimately shape the future of our community in the following focus areas: Child & Family Well-Being, Counseling and Prevention, and Housing Safety & Financial Stability.”

National Alliance on Mental Illness

“NAMI, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of Americans affected by mental illness.”

Ann Flood Mental Health Counseling

“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ( ACT ) teaches mindfulness skills to help individuals live and behave in ways consistent with personal values while developing psychological flexibility. ACT does not attempt to directly change or stop unwanted thoughts or feelings but instead encourages people to develop a new and compassionate relationship with those experiences.”